
This guide will walk you through how to install SDK packages in your project.

You'll need an API token to install SDK packages. See the Authentication section section of the API Reference.


Step 1 — Configure Package Access

Core3D provides SDK packages via a private NPM registry. To configure installation you can create a configuration file in your project root (next to package.json). You'll need a Core3D API token to install the packages, see the Authentication section of the API Reference for more information. Replace XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX in the examples below with your API token.

Avoid committing this file to your version control if it includes your API token in plain text. If you must commit this file, please reference NPM/Yarn/etc. documentation for options to keep your API token secure (e.g. environment variables).

Step 2 — Install Packages

To install, run the following in your terminal:

npm install --save-dev @core3d/sdk @core3d/sdk-adapter-three three@0.162.0
`three` is defined as a `peerDependency` and must be explicitly installed alongside its Core3D adapter.

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